The current article about Shaykh Nuh Keller on Ikhwani - Middle East Eye is all about The Quran Beheld in the end. Ex Mureeds, Wahhabis, Berelvis and non-Muslims join hands spreading falsehood to divert people from his great service to the Ummah. Keep trying Fasiqs.. 

I heard this article mentions the name of the real culprit Hamza Karamali @hamzakaramali from Basira Education who started this problem and now pretends to have washed his hands. He betrayed his own Shaykh after studying under him for 20 years. Destroyed homes community & beliefs 

You need to know who Hamza Karamali is. This utter ingrate learnt to walk holding Shaykh Nuh Keller’s finger. Stayed with him for 20 years, I mean 20 years. Just that his name is on that article is enough of betrayal. Go to his tweet history not a single mention of Shaykh Nuh. 

He rather cleverly uses Abu Munir as patron saint of Basira Education, taking advise from him and destroyed Abu Munir’s relationship with Tariqa of Shaykh Nuh. His supporter’s ego could not handle when Shaykh asked him to step down from teaching coz he was promoting victimhood. 

If his name is on that website is it not his responsibility to clarify publicly?
The article was deceitful. A storm in the teapot, like the movement lead by him. He started teaching Hikam. Ask him who gave him Ijaza? He went to Hyderabad once and claim a degree from JamiaNizamia 

so Hamza Karamali and his wife stayed in Shaykh Nuh Keller community for 20 years and were considered most cultish of Mureeds. If he couldn’t figure out that his Shaykh was no good for 20 years, this is highest form of idiocy. Sanity check. 

he stays for 20 years and did not find a Shariah violation grave enough for him to leave the Tariq earlier, is the certificate of steadfastness of Shaykh Nuh and his community. If not, then either he was stupid or he was not righteous himself or himself colluded in wrong doing. 

A little bird told me that some kids he was teaching, their parents in their heart became his Mureeds and saw delusional dreams. They dreamed of him becoming the next Shaykh. Murshidi aspect of Shaykh Nuh come into play here. He asks him to stop teaching. This was deal breaker.. 

The spanking of children and their age, which is highly exaggerated. It was rule to get admission in the school and live in the Hayy where Hamza’s wife was a teacher. It always happened. So all of a sudden what happened. The hopes of becoming a Shaykh was shattered ? 

Abu Munir had his own axe to grind and was easily duped by emotional contagion speed by Hamza and his supporters. Some came mostly for their kids. Many had earlier being bruised by Tarbiyya of their egos. All of them jumped on the opportunity and tried to give a decisive blow. 

Whenever you find chaos, then there one element which is one’s BIG NAFS. Logical ?